Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Birthday # 2 and 3!

Well, Codee's birthday celebrations happened a little differently than normal this year. Since her birthday fell on a Sunday we decided to do her 'party,' for lack of a better word, on Saturday and Monday. On Saturday we took her to Ontario Mills Mall, to Build-A-Bear to make a friend! Just a little background: My sister Jenni gave Bailee a B-A-Bear for Cmas and I could totally tell that Codee wanted one really badly. So it worked out perfectly that I wanted to take her there anyway.

When the stroller pulled up to the store and she had a blank stare I explained to her that she was going to make a Bear like Bailee's. Her face lit up instantly and I knew she understood. For a stuffed animal with about 3 sq. inches of clothes, they sure are expensive, so I wanted to tell Codee what her range of spending was. I gathered the 'less expensive' bears that she could choose from and of course she went straight to the more expensive ones. Once she understood that she was not going to get the expensive bear 'that should have been leafed in gold judging by it's price', she decided on a cute brown bear.

We waited in line and finally it was our turn to stuff our bear. Codee was sort-of in a daze, I don't think she quite knew why she was doing the things she was doing. Then she gave her bear an air bath and it was time to pick out her outfit. Well, wonderfully smart me forgot one small detail...you have to put the sound in the bear BEFORE they sew it up! I thought all was lost and we would have to buy a new bear, but I asked the worker if there was anything we could do and he acted like it wasn't a big deal. So he just did a little 'operation' on the bears arm and she was as good as new. Codee ended up choosing a Tinker Bell costume for her bear to match her bed set and it was perfect!!! She named her bear Heart, "cuz she loves her so much."

Then a bit more shopping and we were off to Rain forest Cafe for her special Bday dinner. It was the first time that Codee and I had been there so we were pretty excited. We sat by a wall that had water dripping from the ceiling and fog rising from it. Bailee said that it was hot. Every so often the animals that are all over the restaurant come to life and move and make sounds. Codee thought that was cool but was a little nervous and didn't want to touch them even when they were not moving.

When we were all done with our dinner the waiters came and brought Codee an ice cream sunday and sang to her. Bailee still thinks that we are singing to her every time we sing Happy Birthday. All in all it was a really fun day and Codee is SO in love with her Bear. She says she is going to get a little mermaid costume for her bear next time.

Mommy and Daddy gave their presents on her actual birthday and she loved them. Then we went to church and she wore a little badge that said, "Birthday Girl!"

Then on Monday night we had our family/friend cake and ice cream party. Codee's little friend Melody and her family were supposed to come to Build-A-Bear with us but her sister was really sick so they couldn't but they were able to come on Monday. And Jared, Amanda and Nathan Himle, Sheryl and James (Nick's aunt and cousin), Joe and Lindsey, Gr and Gr Miller and Gr and Gr Gilsen were all there! We ate pizza and cake and ice cream, opened MORE presents and visited and played. Codee loved having a three day Bday and thought that her Bday would go on forever. She is so proud to say that she is "Free" (three) and never messes up and says that she is two. She says, " I am free for my birthday! And Bailee is One for her birthday!" My sweet baby Codee is getting SO big and grown up. We love her SO much and she is a joy to be around. LOVE YOU COLIPOKI!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Three years ago, on Jan. 11th, two nervous parents-to-be checked in to the hospital where they would welcome their new baby girl into the world. They hadn't slept a wink the night before but they were too excited to feel tired.
Twenty hours, with three hours of pushing, a failed epidural, several vomits, coming out sideways, having to use the vacuum and zero sleep later, when she (a whopping 9lb Codee) finally decided to come, you had better believe they were tired! There to witness our miracle where, Daddy and Mommy (of course) Grma Miller, and my sister Heather. They handed her to me and I could barely hold onto her (she was huge and I was exhausted) and I had to have Nick hold my head up so I could see her. All I could manage to say between sobs was, "She's big." And then they had to take her to get cleaned up and clean me up.
After they checked her out and gave her a good rub down, they handed her to me again and I just stared into her eyes and we got acquainted with each other. Until my body was going into shock and I was going to throw up again, then Nick had to take her quick. I wasn't really 'there' for a long time after that and I don't really remember a whole lot of what went on and I didn't even hold her until the next day when I tried to feed her for the first time. ( No we didn't just starve her, Nick gave her a little bit of a bottle).
She was, and is still, our little princess and we love her SO much. Love you Colipokie!
*(gross and gruesome details were left out to save the faint of heart from a very embarrassing reaction.)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

December Happenings...

Friday, January 2, 2009

Christmas,Catch up, really long post...

Well! Where to start. Things have been SO crazy lately that there has been zero time to post anything. So here is a little bit of what we have been up to:

NICK- Work of course, Acing his classes and signing up for new ones, using his birthday present (chainsaw) pruning trees, being crazy, playing with his girls (who adore him) and enjoying some well deserved and needed time off.

Rachel- Being a mom (enough said).

Codee- She was so, so excited for Christmas to come and for two of my sisters, Jenni and Shannon, to come. Playing with and sometimes tormenting her little sister (more the later with the lack of sleep we have endured). Turning 3 in a week!!! Helping everyone with whatever she can. Singing, dancing, 'posing', and being crazy with Daddy.

Bailee- Turning ONE in Nov! Walking!!! Being so cute that we can't even stand it. Making the funniest faces and sounds. Learning to be crazy with Codee and Daddy. Taking care of her dolly (giving her a rock-a-by, giving her her binki). Learning new signs, words and concepts every day. Being VERY strong willed, ie tantrums, taking a swing or two at me, screaming (oh the screaming!). Loving her Daddy.

We spent it with family and just enjoyed being together!

Nick's presents- A NEW SUIT! A double stroller(kind of a family gift but he loved playing around with it). An external hard drive, New Blue tooth cuz our other ones don't work very well. A hoodie, movies and more.

Rachel's presents- TICKETS TO PHANTOM!!! I totally lost it when I opened that box. A cricut machine and stuff to go with it. Disney Scene it. Movies and more.

Codee's presents- A BIG GIRL BED!!! (finally) with silky Tinkerbell bedding set. A princess castle. A doll that she can change her clothes by herself. Clothes. Magic coloring books and a HUGE coloring book. Movies and more.

Bailee's presents- A cute pink and brown bedding set to go on her new crib that was passed down from Codee. A Noah's ark with animals. Twin dolls. Clothes. Huge coloring book. A teddy bear that sings her song to her when you squeeze it's paw (Aunt Jenni sings). Movies and more.

But, I would have to say that the best present this year was shirts for Codee and Bailee that said, "I'm going to be a BIG sister!" and...a BIG sister Again!"
Yes, we are expecting our THIRD baby in June. I have never been able to surprise Nick before (because the other babies were planned) and I just can't keep that a secret. So when I found out for sure I decided that I was going to try and wait until Christmas to tell him. OH MY GOODNESS THAT WAS HARD!!! I thought for sure he suspected, what with the moodiness, getting up in the night to go to the bathroom and the prenatal in the cabinet. But he was totally clueless!!! My mom and Lance new cuz they found the test, but everyone else was pleasantly surprised ( Due to the fact that the plan was to wait a little longer this time.)
All in all, we had a GREAT Christmas and an uneventful New Year. We just put the kids to bed and Nick and I watched a movie.
Hope you all had as good of a holiday as we did.
Love, The Gilsens!