Halloween was a crazy, stressful, fun night! I always have big plans for what I am going to do for Halloween and I ALWAYS run out of time! By the end of the night I am always vowing to: Be more prepared next year, make time for Nick and I to dress up, and not be so rushed! This year was no different. I carved my pumpkin while the girls were taking a nap. Nick tried to carve his but it was brick hard! He couldn't even shove a butcher knife into it! I don't know what the deal was with that pumpkin, but he gave up before he even got started and I dont blame him! Codee and Bailee never got to carve their pumpkins (NO TIME)! So Codee wakes up from her nap and I start right away to get her ready. Curling, poofing, spraying, pinning, licking, pretty much whatever it took to make her hair do what I wanted it to do. Then I put her makup on. Let me just tell you, it is REALLY hard to pu tmakeup on an almost 3 year old. She kept squeezing her eyes shut! Then I had to put her dress on and try to bobby pin it in the back so her little mosquito bits in front (if you know what I mean) dont show! And then came the crown! It is an adult crown so I had to try and pin it so it wouldn't fall off mid night.Few! Then I jumped in the shower ( cuz all that preperation required persperation) and rush to the church getting there an hour late and only just in time for the costume parade. Bailee won an awesom costume award for her Nemo costume. Then it was rush outside for the trunk or treat! One time around and we were done.Then we went to my Grandpa and Shirly's to show off the girls' costumes. After a quick visit, it was off to Nick's parents house. Another quike visit and we were off to the Scolieri's (I used to Nanny for them). Another quick visit and it was 11:00, time to go home and fall into bed! And that is exactly what we did, and stayed there for as long as possible. (until Bailee woke us up in the morning.)So, next year, I want to have the pumpkins carved BEFORE Halloween, Have enough time for Nick and I to dress up, and get to the church on time for thr trunk or treat. Now let's see if it happens next year! :0)
Oh my goodness!!! Bailee looks absolutly adorable!!!!! I bet it was hillarious to see her waddle around!!! Oh I wish I was there!!
that's really cute! I never saw LaKai in his because he wasn't wearing it at grandma's. Cute costume!
The girls look so cute in their costumes:) Hope you save the nemo costume I have a feeling I'll want to borrow it in a few years! Ps: we have a new blog address it's andyandyo.blogspot.com
your girls are so cute and big! i can't even believe it...
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